How to Start Over with Your WordPress Site Using WP Reset (Beginner’s Guide)

by Andy Feliciotti Last Updated

Are you looking to start over with your WordPress site? Whether you’re testing multiple plugins and themes, using a demo site, or simply want to revert your changes, resetting your website can be a helpful solution.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of starting fresh with your WordPress site using WP Reset.

Why Restart a WordPress Site?

Restarting or resetting a WordPress site is similar to restoring your phone to its default “factory settings.” By doing so, you remove all your apps and customizations, allowing you to start over fresh. There are various situations in which you might want to reset your WordPress site:

  1. Using a demo site or local development: If you’ve built a site on your computer using WordPress on localhost, resetting it after moving it to a live server can be beneficial. Additionally, developers who frequently test themes and plugins on their local install can benefit from resetting it every quarter.
  2. Starting over with a new design: Perhaps you’ve been working on a blog or website but are unhappy with the customizations. Instead of undoing everything, simply resetting WordPress allows you to quickly start over with a new design.
  3. Reworking a client’s website: If your client wants a significant change from the current design, resetting WordPress on the staging server provides a fresh starting point.
  4. Learning and experimenting with WordPress: If you’ve been developing your own plugins or themes or exploring a starter theme, starting again with a fresh WordPress installation can be valuable.

Restarting Your WordPress Site with WP Reset

Restarting your WordPress site may sound daunting, but it’s actually quite simple. Follow these step-by-step instructions to begin fresh with WP Reset:

  1. Create a Full Backup: Before starting the reset process, it’s crucial to create a full backup of your site using a WordPress backup plugin. This backup ensures that you have a copy of your site in case you want to restore it after the reset. Remember using WP Reset will erase EVERYTHING currently on your WordPress site.
  2. Install and Activate WP Reset: Begin by installing and activating the WP Reset plugin. This is as easy as installing any WordPress plugin.
  3. Access WP Reset: Once the plugin is activated, navigate to your WordPress dashboard and click on “Tools” followed by “Advanced WP Reset.” This will bring you to the WP Reset settings page.
  4. Initiate the Reset: On the WP Reset settings page, locate the “Reset database” field. To start the reset process, simply type the word “reset” into the field.
  5. Confirm and Reset: After entering the text, click the “Reset database” button. Please note that resetting your website doesn’t delete your plugin and theme files. However, all your plugins will be deactivated, with the exception of the WP Reset plugin. You can manually reactivate each plugin after restarting your website by visiting the “Plugins” page in your WordPress dashboard.

By following these steps, you can easily start over with your WordPress site using WP Reset. Remember to proceed with caution and ensure you have a backup of your site to restore if needed.

In conclusion, resetting your WordPress site with WP Reset can provide a fresh start and allow you to make significant changes or experiment with your website. Whether you’re a developer, designer, or simply want to try out different themes and plugins, WP Reset is a valuable tool to have in your arsenal. Give it a try and experience the convenience of starting fresh with your WordPress site.

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